Books My Best Friend Essay

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Books are our never failing friends. Our worldly friends desert us but they never desert us. They are our best friends, philosophers and guides. Friends are plenty when the purse is full but fair-weather friends fall off in adversity. Books, like a true friend stand by us through thick and thin. They uphold and encourage us when we feel sad and despondent.


They lift the poor out of poverty and the wretched out of misery. They make the burden bearer forget his burden, the sick his sufferings and the downtrodden his degradation. They bring light into darkness and sunshine into shadow. Essay help now.

My Best Friend Personality Some people say that friends are the family we choose for ourselves, and that a true friend is a treasure very hard to. Translate Best friend. My Best Friend EssayFor Class 3Class 2 Point wiseCreative Essay.

My Best Friend Essay Spm

All the same we should be very judicious in the selection of books as in the choice of friends. The friendship of good books is the medicine of life but there are books more dangerous than snakes and more poisonous than scorpions. The really good books sharpen our intellect, broaden our mind, enrich our experience, widen our knowledge, uplift our morals, making us better, nobler and happier in life. Good books are the life-blood of a nation. Books like the Gita and the Mahabharta inspire us. They make us brave, daring and dauntless.

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Good books are the quintessence of man's experience extending over thousands of years. They are our best companions in solitude. They are a treasure house of noble thoughts which are open to us day and night. A book like the Ramayana is undoubtedly the best of companions. It offers us all the balm we need when life has given us a rebuff and the world looks cold and uncharitable. It is a book to be digested. It is a book to be read with diligence and attention.


Gandhiji called the Gita his mother. He said, 'Today the Gita is not only my Bible or my Quran, it is more than that-it is my mother. I lost my earthly mother who gave me birth long ago but this eternal mother has completely filled her place by my side ever since. She has never changed; she has never failed me. When I am in difficulty and distress, I seek refuge in her bosom.' Once Carlyle was asked whether he would choose the dramas of Shakespeare or the kingdom of heaven if he were given a choice between the two. He at once said that he would choose the dramas of Shakespeare and spurn the Kingdom of Heaven.